PC Technology Dehradun – Fraud in the name of job


A company named PC Technology Pvt Ltd. and their three fraudsters Directors are responsible for cheating over 5,000 job seekers and looted Rs 12 Crore collectively in Dehradun & various other cities. Freshers who were hired were made to sign a bond of Rs 25,000, to be refunded in a year. The trio, Chhaya Singh, Yashraj Singh and Pankaj Kumar had switched off their phones after 14th August 2016, during the same time when they had shut down their company, P C Technology Pvt Ltd offices in Thane and various other cities — Bengaluru, Kolkata, Pune, Visakhapatnam, Dehradun, Chennai, and Hyderabad.

The accusers had not even purchased the office computers as all the 150 computer units were taken on a long lease from a dealer.

Directors of PC Technology Pvt Ltd:

Directors of PC Technology
Directors of PC Technology Pvt Ltd, Chhaya Singh, Yashraj Singh and Pankaj Kumar As Shared by Complainant Raghu Bhat

The police stated that they are not suspecting involvement of any employee of the company. “The employees did what they were told by their bosses. Even though they thought that things were going wrong or got suspicious at times, they were not able to question the directors or doubt their identities,” said an official.

“While Chhaya switched off her mobile phone on August 14, Yashraj and Kumar disabled their handsets on August 19. The entire scam was meticulously planned to such an extent that even the rental agreement of their Thane office was signed by their employee, one Nahar Singh, an accountant and resident of Dehradun,” said Sandeep Bhajibhakre, deputy commissioner of police, Economic Offences Wing (EOW).

PC Technology Dehradun
Photos of Accused Chhaya Singh, Yashraj Singh and Pankaj Kumar, Shared by Another Complainant

Nav Uttarakhand Received 2 Complaints Till Now:

    1. Alok Kumar (Dehradun),

      Email Id: alokrokz007@gmail.com
      Facebook ID: https://www.facebook.com/alokrokz007 
      Complaint: They taken RS 25,000/- from each engineering graduate and their director run away. Please disclose this news and help us to get return of our amount. This is done on large scale. Company has 8 branches in big cities. They suddenly closed all branches. Please Help us as soon as possible. Company head branch was in Dehradun. And we joined Dehradun branch. It was a large scale fraud. They also closed their website too.

    2. Raghu Bhat (Banglore),

      Facebook ID: https://www.facebook.com/AbhiinfoRaghu
      Complaint: They taken RS 25,000/- from me and suddenly closed their office. Please help me to find these peoples. my contact number is 8494911221

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