Sanskrit University students to launch an disruption

sanskrit university

The Uttarakhand Sanskrit University students union met with the university VC and threatened that they will launch an disruption if the report on ‘fraudulent’ appointment of professors is not made public soon. The union leaders demanded that the report of inquiry into the appointments of 12 teachers in 2010 should be made public on a priority basis. Garhwal division commissioner C S Napalchyal had conducted an inquiry into the allegations of irregularities committed in the appointments and had submitted the report confirming the allegations to governor K K Paul about a year ago. The governor had then sent the report to the university directing it to take necessary action against the accused. The students claimed that the university is yet to initiate any action in the matter.

However, Sanskrit University registrar S K Awasthi denied the charges and said the matter is under consideration of the university’s executive council. “A meeting of the council was convened in August but as several members failed to turn up the meeting was not held,” he said. A professor on condition of anonymity told that the students threatening disruption on the issue are in fact working at the behest of certain elements within the university.
“Recently, 15 professors were appointed by VC Peeyush Kant Dixit who is determined to fill in all 39 vacant posts in the Sanskrit University. As the remaining 24 posts are likely to be advertised within a couple of months, these elements are trying to throw the process out of gear by raking up the old issue of irregularities in the 2010 appointments,” the professor alleged. According to him, this happens every time in the Sanskrit University whenever a VC tries to initiate the process of appointments. As a result, the appointments are inordinately delayed and posts created in 2011 are yet to be filled.
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