Ghee – Ghyu Sankranti, Olgia Uttarakhand Festival


Ghee – Ghyu Sankranti, Ghya Sankrand which is also called Olgia celebration is commended on the primary day of Bhado in Uttarakhand, As per the Indian lunar calendar Ghee Tyar or Ghee Sankranti is celebrated on the first day of the Hindu month Bhadrapada (August). This is also a well-known festival been celebrated in various regions of the state since ages.

By the time of Ghee Tyar – crops, fruits, vegetables have grown and are in profusion. Since this festival is associated with farming and animal husbandry. Therefore, people from both the division Kumaon as well as Garhwal celebrating Ghee Tyar with joy and happiness. Traditionally, during this festival people necessarily include delicious foods made of ghee in their meal, An important ritual of this festival is pouring ghee on the foreheads, In addition to this, people also include Urad (Black Gram) stuffed chapatis and eat them on Timil Leaf (Scientific Name: Ficus auriculata Used As a Plate) and green vegetable made of Arbi (Taro root) fresh leaves on their meal. On this wonderful day farmer’s show their gratitude for a prosperous harvest and share their food made of Ghee with each other. 

In ancient times in Uttarakhand, on Ghee Sankranti, there was a tradition in which son-in-law and nephews would give presents to their father-in-law and maternal uncles, respectively. However, at the present, the agriculturalists and artisans give presents to their land-owner and customers of the tools, in return, they also get gifts and money from them. Some most common gifts that are exchanged on this day include axes, ghee, vegetable, Binai (Oral harp), metal caliper, datkhocha (metallic toothpick) and firewood.

It is on a very basic level a festival that connotes the energy about neighborhood individuals and families delighted in the control of developing. The clarification behind the celebration of this festival is meaning the gathering season and showing thankfulness for thriving. Ghee Sankranti is complimented in the midst of the time the harvests are growing honorably and the deplete giving animals are moreover strong.

“It is also believed & trusted that the families who celebrate this festival with full enthusiasm, there walnuts production improves after this celebration. – Shared By : Ganesh Tripathi”

It’s also considered that anyone who does not follow the festival guidelines on that particular day they will be born as Snail (Local Words: Ghonga, Ganel, Ganyal) in next birth. Since its rainy season and it’s obvious that one can see the yielding fields and greenery all across. Trees are loaded with pure fruits and wet leaves.

People collectively gathered at a temple or someone’s house to participate for different kind of cultural activities. On this occasion one the famous mode of entertainment is Jhoda Dance & Chanchari (Chanchari means song integrated with dance rhythm).These songs can be sing by women and men together or in isolation as well. Older people share their experiences and validate that they eagerly used to wait for Ghee Tyar and Chanchari during their younger days.

Some Related Facts Shared By People of Uttarakhand :

कुमाऊँ के चन्द्र बंशी राजाओं के समय  संक्रांति के दिन शिल्पबिद अपनी दस्तकारी की बस्तुएं राजा को दिखाते थे.  राजा इस दिन उन्हें पुरुस्कृत करते थे.  प्रजा के लोग भी फल फूल, दूध-दही आदि उत्तम बस्तुएं दरबार में तथा प्रतिष्ठित ब्याक्तियौं के घर ले जाते थे जो ‘ओगल’ या ‘ओग’ कहलाता था.  आज भी यह प्रथा कुछ परिवारों में प्रचलित है. – Deepak Awasthi

साथ ही इस त्यौहार के दिन घी न खाने वाले व्यक्ति के लिये कहा जाता है कि वह अगले जन्म में गनेल बनेगा। इसका तथ्यात्मक पहलू भी गिर्दा ने बतलाया कि “जो लोग प्राकृतिक संसाधनों और पशुधन का पूरा इस्तेमाल नहीं करते और अकर्मण्य होकर प्रकृति और उसकी विपुल सम्पदा का इस्तेमाल नहीं करते, ऐसे कर्महीन निश्चित ही अगले जन्म में गनेल की ही गति को प्राप्त होंगे।” – Pankaj Singh

भाद्रपद (भादो)महीने की संक्रांति जिसे सिंह संक्रांति भी कहते हैं । इस दिन सूर्य “सिंह राशि” में प्रवेश करता है और इसलिए इसे सिंह संक्रांति भी कहते हैं। उत्तराखंड में भाद्रपद संक्रांति को ही घी संक्रांति के रूप में मनाया जाता है। – Kamal Bhatt

पहाड़ों में यह बात मानी जाती है कि जो घी संक्रांति के दिन जो व्यक्ति घी का सेवन नहीं करता वह अगले जन्म में घनेल (घोंघा) (Snail) बनता है । इसलिए इसी वजह से है कि नवजात बच्चों के सिर और पांव के तलुवों में भी घी लगाया जाता है । यहां तक उसकी जीभ में थोड़ा सा घी रखा जाता है । इस दिन हर परिवार के सदस्य जरूर घी का सेवन करते है । – Vikram Pandey

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